Sally Ledger, Heath's mother:
"You know you were so loved. You lived your life with courage and adventure and we are so grateful for the wonderful moments we spent together. We will be there for your daughter, Matilda."
Kim Ledger, Heath's father:
"Heath interested in her short life so many people on so many different plans, but few had the pleasure of knowing him properly."
Kate Ledger, Heath's older sister:
"I feel both my heart and my life has been torn apart. I loved our exceptional talk and the daily contact we had, no matter where you were. I particularly liked all the special times we spent together. We were lucky to have you among us as long as we had. You were so much for so many people but for me it was just little brother, and there will never be anyone like you, Heath. "
Helena Christensen, Model:
"I'm more than crushed right now and shockedI was coming over to visit him when I heard it. I had just put a message to him and heard his voice on the answering machine. He was such a special and sincere person, so extraordinarily talented because he was so honest with her feelings. He was so full of life. "
Mel Gibson, Actor:
"I had such high hopes for him.He was just about to succeed and to lose his life at such a young age is tragic. "
Kevin Rudd:
"It is tragic that we lost one of our country's best actresses in her prime.""His diverse and challenging roles will be remembered as one of the best, an Australian actor has done."
Jack Nicholson, Actor:
"Heath's death is tragic news. I warned him against Ambien (sovepiller. ed). I took them off, and when someone called me late at night, I woke up in my car 50 yards from my home. I was just about to driving off a cliff and had no idea where I was. Ambien can kill you. Not through excessive use, but some react only stronger in them than others. "
Christian Bale, Actor:
"The guy was brilliant.
He was a fantastic actor
and he put everything into this part.
I absolutely know without question
that he would have wanted everyone
to see [The Dark Knight].
"For me, this is a celebration
of what he did best - entertain people...
Respect the man. This is what he did.
This is what he wanted to do."
Gary Oldman, Actor:
"In between takes he would sit on the curbside
and smoke a cigarette and laugh and talk about
his daughter Matilda."
"I thought he was just a beautiful kid.
I thought he was just wonderful.
I had a real affection for him.
Aaron Eckhart, Actor:
"Heath showed me pictures of [his daughter] ...
[he] would come in and say 'she did this and she did that.'"
"[For the Joker] he really created his look.
That character ? Heath loved so much.
He really cared about the Joker."
Christopher Nolan, Film director:
"He was a very fine actor, and an actor's job is to create
an artificial reality while the camera is running.
Of the actors I've worked with, he was one of the easiest,
most delightful presences on set.
Not at all, you know, dark and intense when he didn't need to be.
Very easygoing and very kind to everybody around him,
which is certainly not the Joker.
It's a real testament to his skill to see how utterly unlike him,
and the way he saw the world, this character is.
[For] those who knew him and those who had
the privilege of working with him, it's pretty amazing
the disparity between the person he was
and the monster that he created for us.
To see that being created from this
very gentle person is a real testament
to his skill as an actor."
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Actress:
I could feel, as soon as I started working with him,
that he was in this place which is so rare,
even for the greatest actors, where he was absolutely free.
And when you can hit that stride, you know, it rubs off on everyone
around you. It was totally rubbing off on me. Acting with
someone who's totally free is what everyone wants to do. . .